Matrixbasierte Beschreibung von Eigenschaftsänderungen – Ein multikriterieller Ansatz
DFX 2017: Proceedings of the 28th Symposium Design for X, 4-5 October 2017, Bamburg, Germany
Year: 2017
Editor: Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack
Author: Jerome, Kaspar; Tobias, Lüdeke; Michael, Vielhaber
Series: DfX
Institution: Universität des Saarlandes
Section: Robust Design
Page(s): 111-124
ISBN: 978-3-946094-20-3-10
Nowadays new product developments usually pursue various competing goals, e.g. an adequate technical performance capability along with a con-comitant resource efficiency (material, but also energy), particularly in the tremendously cost-driven automotive industry. In this way, generating con-cepts more readily and quickly is a key factor but constitutes an increasingly larger challenge. However, do these objectives necessarily have to be mutual-ly exclusive, or do certain correlations exist which can be exploited for a mul-ti-criteria optimization? Exactly this issue is addressed in the follow-up contri-bution in light of a multi-criteria and cross-component systemic and systemat-ic matrix-based analysis process of property change propagations within the pre-development phase of technical products.
Keywords: Design for X (DfX), Secondary Lightweight Design, Multi-Dimensional Optimization, Property Change Propagation